Sunday, June 26, 2005



I am now convinced that the Mulroneyites, just like the Liberals and their friends and sycophants in mainstream media (MSM), do not like a bit of my fasting and protesting in my seeking justice for Cecilia Zhang.

Three interactions with the Mulroneyites left me with that impression.

On January 29, I had a telephone conversation with Mr. Earl McRae, who had been referred to me by Mr. Pat MacAdam. In discussing our schedule for the following week, I told him that I planed to resume fasting again as the Parliament was to resume sitting the following Monday.

After hearing about my plan, Mr. McRae sounded a little surprised and did not speak for a brief second, although he did not object. It was the first time I sensed that they did not like me fasting.

The other two incidents involved Mr. Pat MacAdam himself.

On March 11, I announced on my blog that “I have stopped fasting”. Within half an hour, Mr. MacAdam called me back, saying that he would like to meet me. Note that:

  1. Over the course of my interactions with him, Mr. MacAdam had promised to meet me a couple of times before finally meeting me on March 17. In other words, he was hesitant to meet me. – I believe that this particular commitment to a meeting was prompted by my announcement of resuming regular consumption, thus signaling the end of the protest.
  2. I had long puzzled as to how the journalists read my blog without actually visiting it. His calling me back literally within minutes of my posting suggested cooperation by a third party. (I need to know who!)

The final incident occurred during our meeting on March 17. The first question he asked me, after brief introduction to each other, was: “Why did you come to Ottawa?” Of course, I told him that I came here to protest.

“To protest?!” He shot back, sounding very unpleased. I believe this question set the tone for the whole meeting.

The original nut

It is then not difficult to conclude that the Mulroneyites must have been quite displeased with my throwing my flyers into the House of Common from the Visitor’s Gallery on December 14, 2004, an incident I described here.

I believe Mr. MacAdam expressed his displeasure in his December 26 column, entitled “Juggling a career and the bottle”. The message appeared to be: If I wanted to work for Warren Buffett, I should not have committed such a “drunken” act.

Indeed, during our meeting on March 17, Mr. MacAdam also asked me, quite casually, whether there were people drunk or on drugs in the homeless shelter where I was staying.

It was such an obvious question. Even if he had never been to a homeless shelter before, he could observe some of the people there as we were sitting in his car which was parked just outside the shelter.

Pundit inbreeding 1

Margaret Wente seized this journalist nut and made fun out of it on both Mr. MacAdam and me in her January 8 column, entitled “When technology grabs you by the throat”. – Note that in early January, Mr. MacAdam was still seen as someone who was on my side.

“The other evening, I was downloading all my favourite Leonard Cohen songs onto my laptop so that I could load them up into my new iPod. I was wondering how many versions of Famous Blue Raincoat I wanted in there when I splashed a tiny drop of white wine onto the keyboard. In an instant, my entire new music library disappeared. Some alarming white lines flashed across the screen, then it went dark. My $2,500 computer was dead as a doornail.

If you have a laptop, I have some advice. Never, never, never, never, never download Leonard Cohen with a glass of white wine in your hand.”

Smugness is abundant in her column over Mr. MacAdam’s criticism of me. Note that in this instance, computer has the same meaning as work or career for me because last summer, I posted this blog:

A cute lyrical message

Here is a cute lyrical message my friends sent me via Internet circa 2001, after I was robbed online and lost my last job as a trader. -- I had wanted to share it with you over the long weekend, but did not want to be accused of being insensitive.

“A bus station is where a bus stops.

A train station is where a train stops.

On my desk, I have a workstation.

What more can I say…

This lyric was sent to me by the defendant (or its associate) named in my lawsuit. They essentially told me that they had robbed me online and took away my last job.

Pundit inbreeding 2

In his campaign against Judge Gomery, Chretienite Warren Kinsella wrote this on his blog on February 4, 2005:

“To say that Gomery Pyle is spending taxpayer money like a drunken sailor would be to sully the reputation of drunken sailors everywhere.” (Kinsella, February 4, 2005)

The structure of this sentence was an imitation of my earlier statement about Canadian MSM: “To say Canadian journalism -- which is essentially liberal journalism -- is a sewer is an insult to sewage.” He labeled Judge Gomery a drunk because I was criticized by Mr. MacAdam as a drunk. And as I said before, I was drawn into the center of a vast imagined conspiracy headed by Mr. Mulroney and included Norman Spector, James Travers, Bernard Roy, Greg Weston, etc.